Here is the blog that I have been meaning to write the past couple of weeks--the exciting world of adjustable shelf supports!
You all have seen them. Simple little metal clips that have a round post on one end and a flat surface on the other. You push the round post into a hole in each corner of the case and viola', adjustable shelf support.
My solution is to take a board that is about a 1 ½” thick (you can glue two boards together if you would like) and about 3 ¼” wide by however long I need. I then start about 6” from the bottom and drill a ¾” hole in the center of the board every 1 ½” along the length. I use a paddle bit or a fostner bit in my drill press. Don’t use a hand held drill for this. Once I have this done, I can then re-saw it on my table saw and cut them in half through the center of the holes. I now have four individual pieces. Before I cut them apart, I label them A,A B,B, as you can see in the drawing. I then attach them to the case with A,A facing each other on one side and B,B on the other. In between I make a 5/8” thick board to fit as a shelf support. You can see this in the picture.
If you would like to see a video demonstration of this or some of my other techniques, leave some feedback or send an email and I will think about working on some of those.
Until next week,
Campton, NH 03223
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